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15 life changing tips for nervous flyers

Updated: Feb 25, 2021

Working as cabin crew I see so many nervous flyers. If you are a nervous flyer, rest assured that you are NOT alone. Over many years of flying I've discovered many tips that can help you on your next flight. Sorry I know this bit be a long and is in fact my first ever post but trust me it'll be worth the read.
Here are my top 15 tips (in no particular order)

#1 Tell the crew- Most of the nervous flyers I have met never mention during boarding that they are nervous as they feel embarrassed. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, tell the crew and also tell them where you are seated, it really makes a difference and we are always happy to help.

#2 Plan ahead- Write an itinerary with a useful information about time of departure, connections and even getting to the airport if you are taking the train or bus. Arrive at the airport earlier so you can calmly check in, go through security and get to the gate and this way you can rest assured that even if you come across long queues you're not in a rush.

#3 Where to sit- Most people are more comfortable at the front of the aircraft, try to pre book your seats and if you are given seats at the back don't worry, just explain to the cabin crew, if there's space they will move you forward. Aisle seats are normally better and avoid emergency exit rows.

#4 Big planes- With larger aircraft like the a380, 747 or 777 you are less likely to feel any movement during the flight in comparison to turboprop or smaller a aircraft.

#5 Research your flight - You can find out which model aircraft you are flying on and get to know the aircraft before booking the seats to ensure you find the best seat for you.

#6 Inform yourself - This is a huge tip. Learn some basics about how planes fly. As someone who has studied aeronautical engineering with TUDelft University (Netherlands), I can tell you how incredibly interesting it is. Learning a few things about how a plane flies can help you see how truly amazing aircraft are and what they are capable of in abnormal situations. I also know a few people who were nervous flyers and they found it extremely rewarding to take a flying lesson.

#7 Entertainment - Bring your own entertainment on the flight to keep you occupied, downloaded movies, books, music and puzzles are great examples.

#8 Write your name backwards- Concentrating on writing your full name backwards with your other hand multiple times can be a great distraction from your surroundings.

#9 Courses- There are now airlines that offer courses to nervous flyers. It's a great way to meet others and to help you remember that you are not alone.

#10 Meet the crew- Cabin crew are always around if you need anything, even if it's just for a chat to take your mind of things.

#11 Bring a travel buddy- If possible travel with friends or family and if you are travelling alone, don't worry, you can always make friends with the passengers next to you.

#12 Avoid alcohol and coffee- Stick to water and juice for a calm and pleasant flight.

#13 Breath- This may seem obvious but try to get into the habit of breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Breathing exercises can come in very handy.

#14 Sleep- Try to sleep on your flight and bring anything you need to sleep you doze off peacefully, an eye mask, ear plugs and a neck pillow.

#15 Medication- Ask your doctor/pharmacist for help. There are various types of medication that they can offer.

I hope that these tips come in handy and would really love for you to let me know if these tips did help you.

‘’ When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.’’ - Henry Ford

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