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Rule the seas and battle seasickness with these 15 simple tips

Updated: Feb 15, 2021

Does the thought of being seasick put you off that round the world cruise? After almost 8 months on a cruise ship I have obtained these super simple top 15 tips that will be a game changer whether you are taking a short trip on a car ferry or that round the world cruise you've always dreamt of. (Here we go, in no particular order.)

#1 Ginger - Ginger has long been used as a natural remedy for motion sickness. It has a calming effect on an upset stomach and has been proven to have effective anti-nausea properties. Try ginger ale, ginger tea or ginger sweets to name but a few, there are so many options out there.

#2 Green apples- This tip was possibly the favourite of the cruise ship crew. I always wondered why green apples were so popular with the crew and now I know why. It helps keep seasickness at bay, helping neutralise the acidity in your stomach and helps to remove nausea inducing chemicals from your system. Maybe an apple a day really does keep the (ships) doctor away...

#3 Eat light- I know it's a crazy thought to eat light when you're on a ship with unlimited food around you, but eating small meals can help fight off the seasickness. #4 Eat right- Avoid any greasy, spicy or fried food when you can. Trying to eat something bland on a rough sea day is the best thing to do.

#5 Drink right- Water is your best friend. Keep hydrated, take small sips often and try to avoid any alcohol and coffee.

#6 The right cabin for you - If you know you suffer from seasickness or this is your first trip and you're unsure, pre-book your cabin. A midship, outside cabin on a lower deck is the perfect place for you. #7 Fresh air- It may feel counterintuitive but staying outside is the best place to be.

#8 Avoiding other people who feel seasick- Avoid other seasick people at all costs, they will only make you feel more nauseous. If you see somebody else feeling seasick, try to stay away and get some fresh air.

#9 Roll with the ship- Try moving with the ship, don't fight the rolling.

#10 Look out- When you can keep your focus on the horizon, this works better when you're outside on deck or on your balcony.

#11 Avoid books, iPads and phone screens- Avoid reading books and looking at any screens like your phone or tablet. If you do read or use screens take lots of breaks and look up to the horizon. An audiobook is a great substitute for books if you suffer from seasickness. #12 Talk to your doctor/pharmacist – Many types of medication are available and your doctor will guide you to the best solution for you, whether it be medication or something else.

#13 Try wristbands- Acupressure wristbands have become extremely popular and have been greatly successful in fighting the symptoms of seasickness.

#14 Clear your ears and sinuses- Wax build up in your ears and congested sinuses have been said to enhance the feeling of motion sickness. #15 Get some rest- Rest up before your departure. When your body is exhausted it becomes even more susceptible to motion sickness.

Don't let the fear of seasickness ruin your holiday. Combining these 15 simple tips will change how you feel about the sea.

"You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore." - Christopher Columbus.

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